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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Bruce McPheron Accepts Provost Appointment

    After a national search, Ohio State University President Michael V. Drake has named Bruce A. McPheron executive vice president and provost, effective immediately. McPheron previously served as interim provost and, for three years, vice president for agric ...

  2. Follow Guidelines When Planting Soybeans

    University Extension plant pathologist.   "Are you going back into the same fields that had soybeans ...

  3. Continued Harvest Delays May Mean More Lodging Corn

    Ohio State University Extension agronomist, said that lodging, whether it's stalk lodging or root ...

  4. Ohio Farm Bureau Member To Be Honored

    committees and has worked with Extension to strengthen ties with beef, pork and swine producers. He is ...

  5. Ohio State Receives $24M USAID Grant to Boost Agriculture, Food Security in Tanzania

      “OSU’s core academic strengths in research and graduate education overlap perfectly with Tanzania’s need ...

  6. FDA Announces Changes to Food Labels

    The FDA recently announced new label requirements for the manufacture’s nutrition facts label. The new labels will list added sugar, calories and better serving size information. The revised nutrition facts label for packaged foods will reflect new scient ...

  7. Public Invited to Remember Ben Stinner Saturday, Dec. 11, at OARDC

    or sent to Luis Cañas, Department of Entomology, OSU/OARDC, 1680 Madison Ave. Donations to the Ben ...

  8. OARDC Names BioHio Research Park Leader

    faculty and research leadership at OSU/OARDC, coupled with the community and business leaders of Wooster, ...

  9. Corn Yield Projections Rosy Despite Growing Pains

    said Peter Thomison, an Ohio State University Extension agronomist. “With the soggy soils we’ve had ...

  10. Cheese Prices Go Whiz: Future prices hit record high

    highest level ever," said Cameron Thraen, Ohio State University Extension dairy economist. But ...
