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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Hot, dry season putting damper on corn yield potential

    yield potential as extremely hot, dry days plague the state this week, said Ohio State Extension corn ... a professor in OSU's Department of Horticulture & Crop Science, said lack of rain may be the major ... his Extension colleagues have heard reports from some areas of the state about corn rolling relatively ...

  2. Researchers Using Weather to Predit Potential Head Scab Outbreaks Candace Pollock Pat Lipps False False False False False False False False False False False False ...

  3. Using Optical Sensors to Improve Nitrogen Management

    going elsewhere other than into the crop," said Robert Mullen, an OSU Extension specialist with the ... soil research and Extension specialists are evaluating the use of optical sensors in nitrogen ...

  4. Extension Administration

    2120 Fyffe Road Room 3 Ag Admin Bldg Columbus Ohio 43210 614-292-6181 614-688-3807 Statewide Office ...

  5. Ohio Fish Farms Rising Fast: $50M Impact, New Jobs

    Piketon supported by both OARDC and OSU Extension; at an adjunct facility in northwest Ohio, the Bowling ... a regular basis.” Ohio State University Extension and the university’s Ohio Agricultural Research and ... for good, safe, healthy, local seafood. “It’s a classic example of the research and Extension model,” ...

  6. OSU Farm Policy Expert: Not Surprising Farm Bill Expired Before New Bill Passed

    elections, said OSU Extension agricultural economist Matt Roberts.   “Most people thought that we wouldn’t ...

  7. TIC Gums Visits OSU's Food Science Department

    and Technology Building. OSU works with many regional food companies by providing sensory testing and ... pilot plant runs to assist in product development. “It was great to see the pilot plant and how OSU is ...

  8. Cleveland, Other Cities Could Produce Most of Their Food: Ohio State Study

    Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) and OSU Extension. "The first thing people say when ... the study. OARDC and OSU Extension are the research and outreach arms, respectively, of Ohio ...

  9. Animal Sciences Senior's Accomplishments Show Value of Comprehensive Ohio State Education Enigk said his experience at Ohio State was also enriched by study abroad opportunities offered ...

  10. Spicing Up Ohio's Veggie Market With Exotic Crops

    289-2071 or or contact Shawn Wright at (740) 289-2071 or Candace ...
