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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Emotional Vampires at Work Workshop

    Flynn of the OSU Leadership Center. Visit for more information. ...

  2. Multi-State CD Planning Retreat

    Program planning and multi-state collaboration with community development Extension professionals ...

  3. Aquaculture research achievements and impacts 2016

    aquaculture genetics and breeding at OSU South Centers has produced international impacts and attracted about ... post-doctoral researchers. They also significantly contributed to the aquaculture program’s success at OSU South ... MOU between the two universities was signed at OSU in Bricker Hall in May 2016.   ...

  4. Renting Information

    Conference Rooms and Computer Lab Rental Information The OSU Endeavor Center has a number of ...

  5. Give-em a Pickle Customer Service- Online Workshop

    make people happy. Join Beth Flynn of the OSU Leadership Center. Visit ...

  6. Soil, Water and Bioenergy research and education collaboration across continents

    production with enhanced ecosystem services. Peter is the second intern to come to the OSU South Centers for ... the J-1 Exchange Research Exposition organized by the office of the OSU vice president for research. ...

  7. Upcoming Event: Food Waste Composting for Homeowners, Businesses, and Communities

    Upcoming Event:  Food Waste Composting for Homeowners, Businesses, and Communities  at OSU South ...

  8. Late Planted Soybeans Mean Aphids in August

    University Extension entomologist. Even so, the aphids’ appearance is right on schedule, agronomically ... soybean aphids building up in Northern Ohio,” said Ron Hammond, extension entomologist and professor in ... from aphid feeding. Extension researchers and educators recommend farmers consider spraying for soybean ...

  9. Situating Food Symposium

    Hosted by OSU's Food Innovation Center, this symposium will identify models and foster ... Knowlton Hall on the OSU Campus in Columbus. For more information, visit their website. ...

  10. OSU Extension Survey Sheds Light on Green Industry Labor Force

    businesses when it comes to communication and training. Hannah Mathers, an OSU Extension nursery and ... bridge the gap between Extension and research." Both surveys are just one of numerous efforts by OSU ... and Extension programming. Social research methods used in our surveys are an ideal way to evaluate ...
