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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Honors Thesis Defense- Olivia Carros

    Olivia Carros Environmental Policy and Decision Making Advisor: Dr. Robin Wilson Promoting Cover Crop Adoption to Improve Water Quality in Agricultural Landscapes Nutrient loading and associated algal blooms resulting from agricultural runoff are a pressi ...

  2. Honors Thesis Defense- Kathryn Brown

    Kathryn Brown Environmental Science Advisor: Dr. Kerry Ard The Moderating Effect of Stress on the Relationship Between Air Pollution and Self-Rated Health in Minorities Minorities have long been discriminated against in the United States, and redlining po ...

  3. CFAES Celebration of Students Recognition Banquet

    The CFAES Celebration of Students Recognition Banquet is an event coordinated by students for students, faculty, and staff as a way to recognize the accomplishments of members within the college. This year’s theme is Adventure Awaits, and will take place ...

  4. Sustainably solving legacy phosphorus and nitrogen in landscapes with wetlands and wetlaculture

    A lunch and learn conversation- The world is faced with unprecedented threats to our aquatic ecosystems from excessive nutrients caused especially by agricultural and urban runoff. A sizeable increase in the wetland resources around the world could solve ...

  5. Pranay Ranjan's Doctoral Scholarly Seminar

    because the product, i.e. the extension presentation informed by potential adopters, is better. The data ...

  6. 2018 Environmental Policy and Outlook Conference

    2018 Environmental Policy and Outlook Conference at the Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center    Register here. 8:30am-4:30pm Agenda: Water Quality: Pathways to Sustainability 9:00am- Keynote: Gail Hesse, National Wildlife Federation: “Lake Erie: F ...

  7. Meeting the Water Quality Challenge

    Meeting the Water Quality Challenge: Collaborative and Interdisciplinary Science to Improve Water Quality in Ohio 2018 CFAES Annual Research Conference(formerly known as the OARDC Annual Research Conference)  Shisler Conference Center Wooster Campus- Frid ...

  8. Doctoral Scholarly Seminar- Katie Robertson

      Katie Robertson- Should Wildlife Boldly Go?: The Influence of Urbanization on Wildlife Stress and Behavior ...

  9. SENR Distinguished Professor chosen as one of the first Global Dryland Champions

    This blog posting was originally published on the On Sustainability website of OSU's College ...

  10. OSU Collegiate 4H

    OSU Collegiate 4H (student org).  I would like to reserve a few rooms for our meetings this year. Room ... University| Class of 2016 Speech and Hearing Sciences Honors Program Member-at-Large | OSU Collegiate 4-H ...
