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RD/AD Monthly Meeting with OSUE Dept Chair
A conference phone is available for this meeting. Dial-in phone number: 877-820-7831 ►enter participant code: 890250# *Meetings are held the last Monday of each month; however, meeting dates are subject to change. ...
RD/AD Monthly Meeting with OSUE Dept Chair
A conference phone is available for this meeting. Dial-in phone number: 877-820-7831 ►enter participant code: 890250# *Meetings are held the last Monday of each month; however, meeting dates are subject to change. ...
OARDC Receives $6.5M Grant for Bioenergy, Biofuel Research
garnering attention across the Midwest as a potential bioenergy crop. Researchers at OSU South Centers at ...
RD/AD Monthly Meeting with OSUE Dept Chair
A conference phone is available for this meeting. Dial-in phone number: 877-820-7831 ►enter participant code: 890250# *Meetings are held the last Monday of each month; however, meeting dates are subject to change. ...
Ohio State Involved in Gates Foundation's $8M Grant for Childhood Malnutrition
will use a germ-free piglet model to complement the studies in mice. "Studies at OSU using ...
Promotion in Extension Workshop
This is a repeat of the November 2014 workshop. ...
Rains May Hold Up Corn Crop
University Extension agronomist, said that saturated soils and ponding â localized for much of Ohio â may ...
OARDC Researcher, Pioneering Work Honored in Europe
vaccination.â Throughout her extensive career, Saif has also identified new intestinal viruses and developed ...
Continued Dry Weather May Spell Lodging Trouble for Corn
State University Extension agronomist, said the scattered showers might not be enough to lift the plants ...
Three Receive Research Awards at April 23 OARDC Annual Conference
of Nebraska, he was responsible for all extension training in sustainable agriculture in the U.S. ...