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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. IT Purchase Reminder – Software and Subscriptions

    Moving to virtual environments for programing has increased the need for specialized software and subscriptions. ...

  2. Mid-Month Growers Reports

    The Mid-Month Growers Report is OSU Extension, Franklin County's monthly electronic report, ...

  3. Ohio 4-H Week – March 8-14

    Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine and Lt. Gov. Jon Hustead have proclaimed March 8-14 as Ohio 4-H Week. ...

  4. 2020 NAE4-HA conference Proposal Acceptance

    A number of 4-H professionals received notification last week that their proposals for seminars and posters were accepted for the 2020 NAE4-HA conference. ...

  5. Forest, Trees, and the Role of Your Narrative


  6. Faculty Changes within Ohio State Based on Financial Considerations

    directors working with regional or county Extension directors provide leadership to district staffing ... to the process. Procedures for filling county vacancies during financial curtailment by OSU ... Extension. Faculty track employees needing a position will be given priority over other employees in ...

  7. Virtual Cattle Battle for Youth

    Perry County 4-H advisors Drew and Elaine Glenn and Jessica Boring created the Virtual Cattle Battle for youth to virtually show their livestock. ...

  8. March 2021


  9. A New Way to Connect

    On June 9, 2020, the first ever President’s Club Virtual Speaker Series, held a discussion led by Dr. Stephen Gavazzi, who discussed several topics, including the significant responsibilities that accompany Ohio State’s prominent status as a land-grant un ...

  10. CFAES DEI Monthly Newsletter

    The CFAES Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion has published the second edition of its monthly newsletter. ...
