CFAES Give Today
News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Sophia Kienzle

    sentence, why did you become a peer mentor?  I became a peer mentor because my peer mentor helped make OSU ...

  2. Grade Forgiveness

    Under Ohio State's  general  course repeatability rule, students can, with permission from their college, repeat a course they have already taken. Both grades will remain on the transcript and be counted in calculating grade-point average. Only the c ...

  3. Deficiency Points

    Deficiency Points are a measure of how many credit points a student with below a 2.0 GPA needs to earn in order to raise the cumulative GPA to a 2.0. Example: COURSE HOURS GRADE   CREDIT POINTS History 1151 3 D (3 x 1.0) 3.0 Sociology 1101 3 C+ (3 x 2.3) ...

  4. Live Healthy Live Well Fall Wellness Challenge

    Join OSU Extension for the “Live Healthy, Live Well” Fall Wellness Challenge What does it cost: ...

  5. Local Foods Guide or call our office at 614-866-6900   ...

  6. What you should know about OARDC SEEDS, the OARDC Research Enhancement Competitive Grants Program

    was recently published and may be downloaded at    ...

  7. So many hats. What is it you do again?


  8. Belinda Morris

    What's your favorite thing about Ohio State?  My favorite thing about OSU are all the memories and ...

  9. Veteran's Day

    In honor of Veterans Day, there will be no classes on Wednesday, November 11th. Offices, including Cafe Carmen and the SAC, will also be closed. ...

  10. Motivate Your Middle

    MOTIVATE YOUR MIDDLE: In-Person workshop This one-day in-person workshop for student leaders will help you develop skills to help motivate the members of your organization. The workshop will look at the concept of Motivating the Middle by TJ Sullivan to h ...
