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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Corn Rootworm Populations Decreasing in Ohio

    fields were lower this year than in 2000, according to a recent Ohio State University Extension survey. ... Bruce Eisley, an Ohio State Extension entomologist, said western corn rootworm populations trapped in ... loss may occur when trap catches are at two beetles per trap per day or higher. Extension personnel ...

  2. Using Custom Rates to Show On-Farm Savings with No-Till

    savings. The OSU Extension fact sheet, "Ohio Farm Custom Rates – 2008," gives average rates ... potential on-farm savings. Randall Reeder, an Ohio State University Extension agricultural engineer and ...

  3. 100-Bushel Soybeans Possible, Farmers Should Master Basics First

    State University Extension expert. That is, if growers learn to master the basics of soybean production ... weed control is also particularly important in soybeans. That includes following Extension ...

  4. Survey to Explore Farmers' Risk Management Approaches

    don't hit the mark," said Pierce Paul, an Ohio State University Extension plant pathologist, citing ... do to manage those risks. The survey is part of a four-year Extension and research project funded by ... so that Extension and research efforts better guide producers and CCAs in their production management ...

  5. OSUE A&P Promotion Committee Winter Meeting


  6. OSUE A&P Promotion Committee Summer Meeting


  7. OSU at IFT Friends and Alumni Reception

    The OSU Department of Food Science and Technology would like to extend an invitation to all alumni ... and friends to attend our Annual OSU Reception and Mixer at the IFT Annual Meeting. If you are ... planning to attend the IFT meeting in New Orleans this June be sure to purchase your ticket to the OSU ...

  8. Big Genomic Data for fast-growing aquaculture

    By Hanping Wang, Senior Research Scientist OSU South Centers Aquaculture research team has ...

  9. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Draft horses (for the week of 9-16-01)

    Kurt Knebusch, 1680 Madison Ave., Wooster, OH 44691, (330) 263-3776, Hey Editor! ...

  10. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Organic farming (for the week of Sept. 30, 2001) Kurt Knebusch Steve Sears Twig09-30-01.pdf False False False False False False False False False ...
