CFAES Give Today
News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Infant Massage Training

    Details to come! ...

  2. All 4-H/FFA Horse Project Forms Due To Extension Office

    Forms include:  I.D.'s, PAS, Scholarship, King & Queen Apps., Etc.  NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE GIVEN!   ...

  3. Healthy Relationships Team Meeting

    This is a great time of year to collect our thoughts, energize each other, and get our team goals organized.  ...

  4. Dinosaur Day at Orton Hall

    Join us for an open house as we welcome our new dinosaur friend, Cryolophosaurus ellioti, to Orton Hall. The skeleton was discovered and named in honor of one of Ohio State's own geology professors, David Elliot. Found in Antartica, it's the mos ...

  5. Dining with Diabetes In-Service

    This in service will present the Dining with Diabetes curriculum, and we will be demonstrating food preparations for the class. This in service will be a wonderful training for Educators who have never taught the course before and will also serve as a goo ...

  6. ATI Turfgrass Golf Outing- Wooster, Ohio

    You can enjoy a great day of golf and support Ohio State ATI turfgrass scholarships at the same time by registering for the Ohio State ATI Turfgrass Scholarship Tournament on Thursday, Sept. 20 at Hawk's Nest Golf Course. ...

  7. A Better Tomorrow: Solutions for the Opioid Epidemic- Columbus, Ohio

    Dr. Kelsey Schmuhl will provide an overview of the opioid epidemic, its impact on society and solutions for the future. She will discuss societal factors that have contributed to this epidemic and the multifaceted approach necessary to combat it. Dr. Schm ...

  8. Time and Change Dinner- Columbus, Ohio

    Share your favorite Ohio State memories over dinner with current students and alumni of all ages. This special evening will feature archived photos of the university through the years, along with a panel discussion about how campus has evolved. ...

  9. Fall Family Fun Day at Waterman- Columbus, Ohio

    Join The Ohio State University Alumni Association and other Buckeye families for a fall festival at Waterman. Pick fresh pumpkins and apples. Enjoy an educational hayride, bean bag toss games, face painting, a bounce house and inflatable slides. Learn abo ...

  10. Extension Faculty Promotion and Tenure Workshop

    Probationary faculty are encouraged to attend as well as those considering a promotion request in the next few years. Non-faculty educators who may be interested in requesting a faculty position are also encouraged to attend. Lunch and light morning refre ...
