CFAES Give Today
News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. DEI Professional Development Workshop: Did They Really Just Say That?! Being an Active Bystander

    is free and open to the entire OSU community. Cap: 35. This workshop will also be made available to ... our colleagues at OSU's regional campuses who want to attend remotely via Zoom.  Refreshments and ...

  2. Cafe Carmen Closed

    Café Carmen will be closed 11/11/20 ...

  3. ATI First Generation Celebration!!


  4. Insta Trivia

    insta trivia week- nov. 2nd- 6th When: 1:00 pm- Question of the Day will be posted Where: Must be following @osuatisac to qualify. *Must be current ATI student to win!* Reply with answer to be entered into raffle for a chance to win a Buckeye prize basket ...

  5. November 2- 8, 2020


  6. What is an Extension program?


  7. The Future is Calling: Pick Up the Phone!


  8. Nominate the Most Spirited Buckeye

    Most Spirited buckeye Now Accepting Nominations for the Most Spirited Buckeye!   Buckeye spirit isn't just about who can wear the most scarlet and gray on game day; it's acts of kindness for others, displays of creativity in your living environm ...

  9. Virtual Kick-Off Event: Engaged Practitioners Network

    The Engaged Practitioners Network is a space for those Ohio State staff who are working in spaces of community outreach and engagement. We will provide an opportunity for sharing best practices as well as networking with colleagues across campus. Our goal ...

  10. Diversity and Inclusion Conversation

    Registration in advance is required for this webinar.  Please click  here  to register. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Live transcription services will be provided. University sta ...
