CFAES Give Today
News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Webinar Focuses on Funding Long-Term Care for Farm Families

    to land ownership,” said Hall, who is also an assistant professor for OSU Extension.  “And federal ... of qualifying for Medicaid.” OSU Extension is the outreach arm of the College of Food, Agricultural, ... Instructions for signing into the live webinar are on OSU Extension’s Agricultural Law and Taxation website at ...

  2. Healthy Living Health Heroes

    Madelyn Smith, 4-H member from Franklin County, was recognized with an “honorable mention” in the healthy living category of the National 4-H Council’s Youth in Action awards. ...

  3. Award Winners for Community Development Educational Programs

    Also at the 2019 NACDEP conference, Brooke Beam received the Cross Program Award for her work on Using Virtual Reality in Educational Programming; and Meghan Thoreau received the Educational Technology Award for her work with the Scholastic High School Dr ...

  4. Workday Training Modules Available

    If time allows in your telecommute schedule, now may be an excellent time to explore the features of Workday and learn more about it. ...

  5. Lean on Your Land-Grant Children's Incentive (from Dean Kress)

    Let’s recognize the children of CFAES faculty and staff for their support and good behavior during COVID-19. ...

  6. Committee appointments made for Ohio’s new legislative session

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  7. Election Day Poll Workers Needed

    To help address the anticipated shortage of poll workers on Election Day due to COVID-19, Ohio State employees who serve as poll workers for the Nov. 3 general election can now take a paid day off without using vacation time. ...

  8. Program Sponsorship and Naming of Local Extension Programs

    In 2001, OSU Extension adopted the following philosophy on funding, and it continues to guide ... program is available. OSU Extension Administrative Cabinet does not consider it in the best interest of ... “xxxxx Field Day,” places the identity of the sponsor above the identity of OSU Extension and may imply ...

  9. Ohio 4-H Foundation meeting


  10. Agricultural & Environmental Law Conference

    agricultural law developments.  For more information, visit  ...
