CFAES Give Today
News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. My Three-Page Draft is Submitted, What Comes Next?


  2. 2020 Class of ACEL Distinguished Students: Celebrating Our Own

    Ten seniors and one graduate student were selected by the faculty and staff of the department for their excellence both in and out of the classroom. A few of our own 2020 ACEL Distinguished Seniors are highlighted. ...

  3. 4-H Club Meetings Update

    We have approached our university leadership for an exemption for club meetings for clubs participating in various in-person junior fair activities. ...

  4. CFAES Return to Offices and Campuses Webpage

    CFAES has several college transition teams actively synthesizing university guidance to localize information for CFAES departments and units. ...

  5. Talking to Your Child About Wearing a Face Covering

    Are you wondering how to encourage your youth to wear a face-covering? ...

  6. Energize Ohio Train-the-Trainer Workshop

    provide OSU Extension Educators a comprehensive understanding of energy development in Ohio and how the ... 9 to  or by phone at (614) 292-6232. Contact Eric Romich ( if you ... energy as a critical statewide issue! The abundance of natural resources and extensive open space ...

  7. Reminder: CFAES Town Hall

    The CFAES Town Hall will be held for all faculty, staff and student employees on Wednesday, Aug. 12 from 2-3:30pm. ...

  8. Pesticide In-service for OSU Extension Educators

    More info: ...

  9. Farm Science Review Virtual Results

    Thank you to everyone who helped make this year’s virtual Farm Science Review a success – you should be extremely proud of your efforts. Over 190 scheduled educational events, with more than 450 educational features were shared through Map Your Show and w ...

  10. Election Day Poll Workers Needed

    To help address the anticipated shortage of poll workers on Election Day due to COVID-19, Ohio State employees who serve as poll workers for the Nov. 3 general election can now take a paid day off without using vacation time. ...
