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AFA Animal Institute & AFA Food Institute Accepting Applications!
APPLY NOW for the AFA Animal Institute or AFA FOOD INSTITUTE. Deadline is January 27, 2021. Once selected to attend an Institute, the only cost to the student is travel. AFA and its partners cover hotel, meals and event material costs. AFA Leader Institu ...
Welding Class has OPEN seats!
The welding class- ENGTECH 2240T (Class #31925) has four seats available in the evening lab for anyone interested, major restrictions have been lifted. ...
Picky Eaters!
It's a new year and time to try new things. However, your kiddo still wants to eat ONLY chicken nuggets and refuses to try anything else. While this may frustrate you, know that you are not alone and that it is common for children to go through pha ...
Ohio Maple Days (Virtual)
Spring Semester Fees DUE TODAY!
Spring Semester Fees are Due January 4, 2021. Please check your statement of account and make your payment online through your BuckeyeLink. If you enrolled in TOPP last semester and wish to use it again, you need to enroll each semester. See the link to ...
Fruit Tree Pruning Clinic
seating. Home fruit production and growing books for sale. Demos by: Eric Barrett, OSU Extension, Dave Hull ...
January 4- 10, 2021
Soil Health Testing Field Day
at 419-354-9050 or For more information, see ...
A&P Educator Promotion Process UPDATES
Virtual Roommate Fair- January 13th
Student Life’s Off-Campus and Commuter Student Services will be hosting a virtual Roommate Fair January 13th. This provides students the opportunity to meet potential roommates near the Columbus campus at The Ohio State University. As always, we en ...