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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. News: Trio Grant Helps Boost Student Success

    As Ohio State ATI’s student population shows a steady increase in the number of students planning to transition to a bachelor’s degree program, the services provided by Program Excel are also changing. Program Excel recently received its eighth consecutiv ...

  2. News: Ohio State ATI Dairy Cattle Judging Team national champs at World Dairy Expo

    Madison, WI  -- The Ohio State ATI Dairy Cattle Team won the International Post-Secondary Dairy Cattle Judging Contest at World Dairy Expo. This contest is considered the national contest for 2-year, certificate, and other non 4-year colleges (post-second ...

  3. News: Ohio State ATI Dairy Cattle Judging Team tops at PA All-American Dairy Show

    The Ohio State ATI Dairy Cattle Judging team turned in an excellent performance at the Pennsylvania All-American Dairy Show in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania on Sept. 15.  The team was first overall and first in oral reasons.  Hannah Dye was second place indivi ...

  4. Congratulations to Our Outstanding Students!

    2018 Director's Award Recipients Josiah Bale Eric Tanner   2018 Outstanding Students Kaci Ager Animal Sciences – Beef Courtney Baker Biochemical Sciences Madison Baker Biochemical Sciences Josiah Bale Greenhouse & Nursery Management Cordell Berge ...

  5. 2018 Celebration of Students

    Please join us as we celebrate the achievements of our students! Monday, April 9 What: Giveaway items: hat, pencil pouch or sharpie marker BuckID required When: 10-2 pm, while supplies last Where: Skou Hall Lobby   Tuesday, April 10 What: Therapy dogs &am ...

  6. Extension Administration

    2120 Fyffe Road Room 3 Ag Admin Bldg Columbus Ohio 43210 614-292-6181 614-688-3807 Statewide Office ...

  7. Gender Initiative Symposium- Effective Negotiation

    Dr. Ana Berrios-Allison, associate director of OSU Student Life Career Counseling and Support ...

  8. Conflict Management Workshop

    future leadership roles. Join Jeff King of the OSU Leadership Center for this workshop. The cost is $75. ...

  9. What is the Color of Your Personality? Workshop

    differences among the people around you. Join Beth Flynn of the OSU Leadership Center for this workshop. The ...

  10. The Good, The Bad and The Hungry: Managing Nuisance Wildlife in the Landscape

    This class will be taught by Marne Titchenell, OSU Wildlife Program Specialist for The Ohio State ...
