CFAES Give Today
News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. An Evening with Dan Levy: A Virtual Conversation

    Time:  Friday, March 19, 2021 7:00 PM- 8:00 PM Location:  Zoom Admission: - RSVP Required Dan Levy, known for his iconic portrayal of David Rose in Schitt’s Creek, will be joining us for a moderated Q&A via Zoom Webinar on Friday, March 19th at 7PM. H ...

  2. OneEighty Photovoice Submissions

    Photovoice is an artistic tool used to amplify a community’s voice regarding a particular subject, cause or issue through photographic images with captions written by the photographers. May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and we would like community mem ...

  3. My Three-Page Draft is Submitted, What Comes Next?


  4. Student Org Trivia sponsored by Student Leadership Council

    The Student Leadership Council is hosting TRIVIA NIGHT for Student Orgs on Tuesday, March 16th at 8:30 pm! Get your team together to compete for money for your club!! 1st place = $100.00, 2nd place = $75.00 &  3rd place = $50.00 Register you team by M ...

  5. TERSSA  for information about upcoming events. ...

  6. Farm Management/Ag Law In-Service

    direct marketing producers. OSU Extension Director Roger Rennekamp and ANR Assistant Director Andy Londo ... extensive if a new farm bill is passed prior to inservice) Prospective panels include ag accountants and ...

  7. March Madness Bracket Challenge

    It's time to get excited for March Madness!!! Participate by visiting and create an account.  Then just click on the March Madness promotion on the main page.  That's it!! Pick your teams on selection Sunday (March 14) short ...

  8. Student Org Essentials- Only Two Sessions Left!

    Essential Tips from Digital Flagship Through a partnership with the  Digital Flagship, this spring's  Student Org Essentials  Series is designed to help you facilitate connection with prospective and current members by using innovative tech tools. In ...

  9. Daylight Saving Reminder- Sunday, March 14

    Daylight Saving Time begins on Sunday, March 14, 2021 at 2:00 am. On Saturday evening, our clocks need to "spring forward" one hour. Enjoy that extra daylight!  ...

  10. SLC Meeting

    Student Leadership Council (SLC) will have it's next meeting on Sunday, March 14th at 7:30 pm.   Watch your email for Zoom link! Not a member and want to find out more?? Contact Jason Althaus.7, SLC President ...
