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Join Darke County 4-H!
University Extension’s non-formal, educational program for youth. Ohio 4-H membership is based on ...
SPEAK UP! Tools for Intervention Against Bias
against bias in everyday life. This event is open to all OSU undergraduate and graduate students. ...
How to Ace Your Online Courses
Check out this opportunity to start the New Year right!! ...
Insta Trivia during National Championship Game!!
LET'S GO BUCKS!!! Throughout the National Championship Game beginning at 8:00 pm, Buckeye Trivia will be posted on Instagram! Must be following @osuatisac to qualify and *Must be current ATI student to win!* Reply with answer to be entered into raf ...
Welcome Back!!
Welcome Back Buckeyes!!! We hope you had a fantastic break with friends and family!! Don't forget to check the weekly Buckeye Buzz for upcoming events, activites and announcements! Be sure to follow Student Activities on Instagram @OSUATISAC too! And ...
Golden Gate Girls
Gate Girls tells the fascinating story of filmmaker Esther Eng: the first woman to direct ...
January 11- 17, 2021
Workshops- Spring/Summer 2019
(Wooster) REGISTER HERE: February – Identity, Power, and Privilege Dates: ...
AFA Animal Institute & AFA Food Institute Accepting Applications!
APPLY NOW for the AFA Animal Institute or AFA FOOD INSTITUTE. Deadline is January 27, 2021. Once selected to attend an Institute, the only cost to the student is travel. AFA and its partners cover hotel, meals and event material costs. AFA Leader Institu ...
Introduction to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
What is diversity and why is it important? What is the difference between equality and equity? What does it mean to be inclusive? How do all of these things fit together to achieve justice? This 60-minute session will explore these questions and provide a ...