CFAES Give Today
News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Farmer to farmer: Retired Extension educator volunteers in Mozambique

    U.S. Agency for International Development on behalf of the citizens of the U.S. I am a former OSU ... Extension educator who served both Ottawa and Sandusky counties. If you would like more information or ...

  2. Challenges and Opportunities: Achieving Ohio's Clean Energy Potential

    is Kate Bartter, Interim Director, OSU Office of Engery and Environment. Panelists include: Ted Ford, ...

  3. Six Ukrainian professors observe college teaching, Extension efforts

    Six professors from Ukraine observed classes in the Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics in 2016 through the  Faculty Exchange Program, a program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Foreign Agricultural S ...

  4. CFAES Fraternity Wins William H. Hall Chapter of the Year Award

    service, philanthropy, and the Standards of Excellence set forth by OSU Greek Life administration. The ...

  5. 2017 All FCS Conference Guide


  6. Environmental Professionals Network movie screening: Green FireFire- Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic for our Time

    several other OSU faculty (No registration or RSVP necessary for the April 16th movie event). ...

  7. Farm Credit Mid-America Accepts Students to College Leaders Scholarship Program

    Louisville, Ky. (September 6, 2017) – Four students from The Ohio State University were accepted to the Farm Credit Mid-America College Leaders Scholarship Program, which provides professional development opportunities to students pursuing careers in agri ...

  8. OSU Extension Personnel Directory


  9. How do you spell Clean Marinas?

    said  Sarah Orlando,  Ohio Sea Grant Extension educator and Clean Marina and limnology outreach ...

  10. Livestock and Meats Judging Teams Recognition and Fundraising Banquet

    conducted by OSU alumnus and former judging team member, Kevin Wendt! The date is Friday, April 19th, with ...
