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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Kujawa meeting

    202 bethany reserved for haley  Wednesday, October 20, 2021- 10:00am to 12:00pm ...

  2. EOFD student meeting

    245 bethany reserved for kelli  Friday, October 22, 2021- 1:00pm to 2:00pm ...

  3. Suchy Meeting

    219 bethany reserved for jeff  Monday, October 18, 2021- 6:15pm to 8:15pm ...

  4. Winter Solstice Walk

    Celebrate the “shortest day” of the year outdoors. The solstice is a great time to slow down, ponder, and reflect on the year and celebrate the longer days on the horizon. Meet at the outdoor shelter on the North side of the YMCA building (near the gymnas ...

  5. Fall Bird Walk with Austin Langdon

    Research shows that people that hang out with birds experience an upswing in their general mood. Improve your mood and learn more about birds during this special walk through the YMCA woods. Austin will cover some birding basics, like how to approach iden ...

  6. Photography Walk

    Did you know that spending time in nature is good for you? Scientific studies show that spending time in nature has numerous mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits. Join us for a walk in the YMCA woods as we appreciate, observe, and photograp ...

  7. Photography Walk

    Did you know that spending time in nature is good for you? Scientific studies show that spending time in nature has numerous mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits. Join us for a walk in the YMCA woods as we appreciate, observe, and photograp ...

  8. Walk, Wander, and Wonder Nature Walk

    We all know that going for a walk is good for our physical health, but it doesn’t stop there. Research shows that getting outside in nature has many mental health benefits as well. Join us as we walk, wander, and wonder through the YMCA woods.  Meet at th ...

  9. Walk, Wander, and Wonder Nature Walk

    We all know that going for a walk is good for our physical health, but it doesn’t stop there. Research shows that getting outside in nature has many mental health benefits as well. Join us as we walk, wander, and wonder through the YMCA woods.  Meet at th ...

  10. Walk, Wander, and Wonder

    We all know that going for a walk is good for our physical health, but it doesn’t stop there. Research shows that getting outside in nature has many mental health benefits as well. Join us as we walk, wander, and wonder through the YMCA woods. Meet at the ...
