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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  2. Guide to Grocery Shopping Online

    Without a doubt COVID-19 has transformed how many of us do our grocery shopping. More people are ordering online for pick-up and/or delivery than ever. As a person who works with a high-risk population, Loretta Sweeney, Senior Series Program Assistant, wa ...

  3. History in the Making of Mango Salsa

    As part of our dedication to continue to bring programming to our valued residents, we’re adapting and finding new methods to continue to deliver high quality programming. Today, we hosted our first Facebook Live cooking demonstration. Congratulations to ...

  4. Healthy People

      Healthy People Healthy People programs seek to educate Ohio's community members on living physically healthy lives. Our Healthy People programs range from lessons on healthy eating and cooking to physical activity to skin safety to food preservatio ...

  5. Congressman Tim Ryan Discusses Mindfulness with Students

    Stefura at ... event was sponsored by Ohio State University Extension, Family and Consumer Sciences, and was ...

  6. Supervision of Program Assistants/Program Coordinators

    Effective August 1, 2010, supervision will be handled as follows: County Extension director ... .------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Approved by OSUE Administrative Cabinet –  July 2010 Edited – March  2013 ...

  7. Healthy Food for Less than $2 per Meal (Part 2)

    Three weeks ago,  I wrote about stocking up for staying at home. I had gone shopping on March 13, after being away for over a week. Because many grocery shelves were bare, I had to make some substitutions and compromises and to shop at three different sto ...

  8. Backyard Poultry Production

    If you're an aspiring backyard poultry producer, we encourage you to check out the Backyard Poultry Production information on Growing Franklin. Your first step should be finding out the regulations in your city or municipality that governs the keepin ...

  9. Dine In

    Ohio State University Extension Family and Consumer Sciences Dine In Day, December 3, is a day to ...

  10. Ohio Sustainable Farm Tour 2016

    on water quality, grass-feed beef, poultry production, season extension, beekeeping, permaculture, ...
