CFAES Give Today
News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Important Workday Dates and Deadlines

    Please be aware of the following important dates and deadlines relating to Workday. ...

  2. Recommend That All OSUE Offices to Have a Travel Arranger

    It is important to keep the flow of fiscal documents moving forward, and one area we can improve on is to have at least one Travel Arranger in each office that CAN get in to the system to check on payments, to add missing documentation, etc.- not intendin ...

  3. 4-H Youth Development

    website Statewide Office ...

  4. Recruitment and Hiring Date Changes

    Ohio State is adjusting employee recruiting and hiring practices for November through January to implement Workday on time and create a smooth new employee experience during this time. ...

  5. New Chair of CFAES Staff Advisory Council

    I am excited to announce that Misty Harmon will be the new Chair of the CFAES Staff Advisory Council beginning Dec. 10, 2020. Congratulations Misty!   ...

  6. Director’s Open Office Hours

    Starting in December, I will be offering open office hours every second Tuesday from 10am to noon. There will be 15-minute slots you can sign up for in advance (more details coming soon on how to schedule). ...

  7. University Purchasing Methods Prioritization

    The state of Ohio laws and Ohio State Board of Trustees govern university procurement practices. Ohio State is a purchase order-driven organization; and we are encouraged to use POs whenever possible to allow the university to track spending by goods/serv ...

  8. About OSU Extension

    Ohio State University Extension brings the knowledge of the university directly to you. We fulfill ... by Extension and other faculty and staff at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, ... information to better their lives, businesses and communities. The Extension system is the world’s largest ...

  9. Make a Favorite in Workday

    In Workday, Click on Blue Cloud in upper right corner (which is your Profile), then click Favorites, in next window click Manage Favorites, click 3-dots with lines so you can type in what you would like to make a favorite (IE: Create Expense Report, View ...

  10. Now is the Time: Spring is Here

