CFAES Give Today
News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Viticulture and Enology Sip and Chat Sessions- Drs Maria Smith and Imed Dami

    This weeks Sip and Chat Session will include Drs. Maria Smith and Imed Dami, OSU Viticulure Team.  ...

  2. Small Business Development

    Increse CDC, in collaboration with OSU Extension, will be hosting Business Planning Workshops at ...

  3. Pressure Canner Testing

    OSU Extension, Franklin County is offering pressure canner testing by appointment on Thurs Aug. 11 ...

  4. Llama lease papers are due to Extension Office


  5. Webinar: Supermarket Smarts

    overwhelming task. OSU Extension, Franklin County Family and Consumer Sciences educator and nutrition expert ...

  6. Farmers' Market Fun with SNAP-Ed

    ability to educate individuals on OSU Extension and the SNAP-Ed program who might not have already known ...

  7. Global Climate Change- How Does It Affect YOU?

    ask a lot of questions.  Join OSU Extension in Coshocton County as we host Dr. Tom Blaine, OSU ... requested so program materials can be prepared. Call the Coshocton County Extension office 740-622-2265 to ...

  8. ExploreAg Camp Cancelled

    1: June 14- 19 at OSU Main Campus Session 2: June 21- 26 at OSU Main Campus Session 3: July 5- 10 at ... Central State University Session 4: July 12- 17 at OSU ATI Campus Click here for more information. ...

  9. ExploreAg Camp Cancelled

    1: June 14- 19 at OSU Main Campus Session 2: June 21- 26 at OSU Main Campus Session 3: July 5- 10 at ... Central State University Session 4: July 12- 17 at OSU ATI Campus Click here for more information. ...

  10. ExploreAg Camp Cancelled

    1: June 14- 19 at OSU Main Campus Session 2: June 21- 26 at OSU Main Campus Session 3: July 5- 10 at ... Central State University Session 4: July 12- 17 at OSU ATI Campus Click here for more information. ...
