CFAES Give Today
News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. 2021 Spring Semester Dean's List

    Congratulations to the Food Science, Food Business Management, and Culinary Science students who were named to the 2021 Spring Semester Dean’s List.To qualify for this recognition, these students completed a minimum of 12 graded credit hours with a GPA of ...

  2. Thoughts from the Director

    Hopefully you have all been able to enjoy some restful or refueling activities in the recent days filled with either sunshine or some much-needed rain. ...

  3. Thoughts from the Director

    Labor Day is upon us and I know we are all looking forward to a well-deserved, long weekend. I hope you will step away from the computer and turn off your phones (I go off the grid until Tuesday beginning at noon today). ...

  4. Expense Reports Notes on What to Include

    Receipts All receipts must be itemized (shows what was paid for line by line, not just a total) Receipts should be attached within the expense line, not in the "attachments" tab Please be sure you are attaching the receipt that corresponds with ...

  5. Frequently Asked Questions

    is immediate and no PCard is available at the time.  How can we obtain office signage?  The OSU ...

  6. Save the date – Virtual Preview of the 2021 National Day of Racial Healing, Healing in Action

    In addition to her role as dean, Cathann Kress serves as a trustee with the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. ...

  7. The Buckeye Funder focused on 4-H Camps Reaches Lofty Heights

    Nearing the end of the campaign, the camp focused Buckeye Funder received nearly $160,000 from well over 1,000 unique donors. ...

  8. Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training School- Mercer County * Please note: a link will be emailed to you after you enter the required information. Complete ...

  9. Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training School- Mercer County * Please note: a link will be emailed to you after you enter the required information. Complete ...

  10. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Resources Identified by NCR State 4-H

    The North Central Region State 4-H leaders held their virtual retreat this week. Diversity, equity, and inclusion was one of their six topic areas. ...
