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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Soil health and environmental analytical services at OARDC-Piketon Soil, Water, and Bioenergy Resources Lab to check the variety of analytical services and the fees associated with the analysis. ...

  2. Bergefurd receives Distinguished Service Award from The National Association of County Agricultural Agents 2015

    Extension and who have exhibited excellence in the field of Extension Education.  This award is only ... presented to two percent of the County Extension Educators in Ohio each year. As Horticulture Specialist and ... Scioto County Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Educator, Brad conducts field research, authors ...

  3. Recapping the Best of the Aquaculture Boot Camp Program in 2014

    who want to learn about the program to visit our website at and sign up in the ... guidance of the OSU aquaculture instructors and the Ohio Aquaculture Association mentors. There were many ... program was a marvelous success thanks to the teamwork of the Aquaculture, Business Development and OSU ...

  4. 2018 Tri-State Green Industry Conference

    Extension, Purdue Extension, University of Kentucky Extension, Cincinnati State Technical and Community ...

  5. FFA and Agriculture Week Breakfast and Displays

    OSU Extension Darke County will have a display at the Versailles FFA and Versailles FFA Alumni ...

  6. Montgomery County Successful Co-Parenting

    first driveway to the right to the top of the hill.  OSU Extension is the building to the far right with ...

  7. Montgomery County Successful Co-Parenting

    first driveway to the right to the top of the hill.  OSU Extension is the building to the far right with ...

  8. Montgomery County Successful Co-Parenting

    first driveway to the right to the top of the hill.  OSU Extension is the building to the far right with ...

  9. Financial Resources

    At a time when Americans are facing financial uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s important to know what resources are available to increase financial awareness and reduce stress. Work schedules and/or working conditions may change and many may ...

  10. GAP Tobacco Training Note: Eastern Brown High School has a Winchester address. Winchester is located in Adams Co. It is ...
