CFAES Give Today
News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. 4-H/FFA Horse Project Forms Due To Extension Office

    Horse Forms Due on June 1st: I.D.'s PAS Scholarship King/Queen Application There are no exceptions to this deadline date. ...

  2. 4-H Enrollments Due To Extension Office

    If dropping forms off after hours, we have a drop box out by the row of mailboxes.  Just drop them in and we will pick them up!! ...

  3. New Video: Shelley Meyer asks you to Raise Your Hand for Ohio 4-H!

    Raising her hand in this video is the First Lady of Ohio State football, Shelley Meyer, herself a 4-H alum. ...

  4. Butterflies Need Your Help- Milkweed for Monarchs

    If you care about the beautiful monarchs that flutter through Ohio, you can lend them a hand this fall.  ...

  5. Keeping an Eye on Beautiful Visitors

    Watch a video of Dr. Chris Tonra from the School of Environmental and Natural Resources expalining their work to monitor prothonotary warblers. ...

  6. Students Learn to Turn City Soil to Farmland

    Students taking a course on evaluating urban soil and determining steps for a return to fertility don't do so behind a desk.  ...

  7. September 2017


  8. They arrived football-hungry and went to the game well-fed!

    Appetites for college football, tailgate fare and fun were satiated (for now) during the 2017 Spring Game and CFAES pregame. ...

  9. International publisher honors Rattan Lal

    Rattan Lal accepted the Elsevier Atlas Award for the impact of one of his journal articles. ...

  10. Stone Lab awards 8 undergraduate research scholarships

    Stone Laboratory awards eight full scholarships for the 2017 Research Experience for Undergraduates Students this summer. ...
