CFAES Give Today
News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Call for Proposals – 2021 National ESP Conference

    The national Epsilon Sigma Phi Conference will be held in Savannah, Georgia on October 25-28. Proposals are due by March 8 for concurrent session seminars, ignite presentations, research presentations, and posters. ...

  2. BuckeyeBox Migration: Should I Move My Own Files Out of BuckeyeBox and into OneDrive or Teams?

    Early project documentation encouraged users to move files themselves, but we’ve learned doing that can create headaches for those who have a significant amount of data to move. We now recommend that you wait for OCIO to copy files to OneDrive for you. ...

  3. Call for Nominations – Engagement Scholarship Consortium Awards Program

    The Engagement Scholarship Consortium (ESC) supports and encourages excellence in engaged scholarship through its annual awards program, which recognizes higher education institutions and their exemplary contributions to scholarship and the practice of en ...

  4. 2021 Faculty Senator Election Results Announced

    We are pleased to announce the results of the 2021 faculty senator election in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. Elected senators and alternates will serve three-year terms starting Autumn 2021 through Summer 2024. ...

  5. CFAES Return to Offices and Campuses Website

    CFAES has several college transition teams actively synthesizing university guidance to localize for CFAES departments and units. ...

  6. Ohio State COVID-19 Town Hall

    The next university town hall will be held on March 1 at 5:30pm. Register online. ...

  7. A New Way to Connect

    On June 9, 2020, the first ever President’s Club Virtual Speaker Series, held a discussion led by Dr. Stephen Gavazzi, who discussed several topics, including the significant responsibilities that accompany Ohio State’s prominent status as a land-grant un ...

  8. test

    Test ...

  9. ArcGIS Online Challenge

    Have you come across an interactive map on the web and wondered “how did they make that?” Have you heard about GIS (geographic information systems) and wished you could learn more? ...

  10. News Archive

