CFAES Give Today
News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Mohammadshirazi Receives Graduate School GAPA Award

    Ph.D. student Ahmad Mohammadshirazi from the Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering (FABE) has been selected as a 2021 recipient of the Graduate Associate Performance Award from the Graduate School at The Ohio State University.  The G ...

  2. Ohio State Tractor Competes at ASABE International 1/4 Scale Tractor Design Competition The national competition is ...

  3. Greenhouse Management Workshop

    tools OSU research updates Speakers  (confirmed) include Ohio State University faculty: Dr. Luis Canas, ...

  4. Business Office Update

    A number of issues have contributed to delayed payments to vendors from purchase order invoices primarily related to converted purchase orders from PeopleSoft into Workday. The university is actively resolving these issues by increasing capacity in Accoun ...

  5. Addiction Innovation Initiative Program: Seed Grant Funding Opportunity

    This funding opportunity announcement requests applications for the Ohio State Addiction Innovation Initiative Program seed grants. ...

  6. Find Suppliers in Buckeye Buy

    Whether looking for Staples, Lowes or other contracted suppliers-including internal such as UniPrint or ComDoc- follow these steps: At HOME screen click on "Request Travel or Purchase"- (OR- in Search field type "Create Requisition" -t ...

  7. 2021 FABE Student Scholarship Recipients

    Congratulations to our 2021 FABE Student Scholarship Recipients!    Scholarship Student Name Major Alan Clay Bondurant Memorial Fund Elizabeth Nogueira Meza Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering Alice Lucile Russel Scholarship Fund Maria Goshe Agr ...

  8. Darren Drewry

    Darren Drewry Assistant Professor No works available. 614-688-1557 232A ... into holistic prediction systems. Prior to coming to OSU, Darren spent several years as a Research ...

  9. Important Workday Dates and Deadlines

    Please be aware of the following important dates and deadlines relating to Workday. ...

  10. Recommend That All OSUE Offices to Have a Travel Arranger

    It is important to keep the flow of fiscal documents moving forward, and one area we can improve on is to have at least one Travel Arranger in each office that CAN get in to the system to check on payments, to add missing documentation, etc.- not intendin ...
