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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Conflict Management Workshop

    future leadership roles. Join Jeff King of the OSU Leadership Center for this workshop. The cost is $75. ...

  2. What is the Color of Your Personality? Workshop

    differences among the people around you. Join Beth Flynn of the OSU Leadership Center for this workshop. The ...

  3. The Good, The Bad and The Hungry: Managing Nuisance Wildlife in the Landscape

    This class will be taught by Marne Titchenell, OSU Wildlife Program Specialist for The Ohio State ...

  4. 2016 Ohio Environmental Leaders Institute 3 session workshop

    Dinner and Program Orientation- Drake Union North Patio, OSU Columbus campus June 7_(7:20am-9:30am)_ ... Networking Session (optional), OSU campus area (location TBA) August 9_(7:20am-9:30am)_Environmental ...

  5. Honey Bee Foraging in Ohio's Landscapes- Beekeeping Webinar

    Brood Jim Tew, Alabama Cooperative Extension Service June 17:  Social Insects: an Overview Joe ...

  6. What "Newbees" Need to Know- Beekeeping Webinar

    Brood Jim Tew, Alabama Cooperative Extension Service June 17:  Social Insects: an Overview Joe ...

  7. Royal Jelly and Queen Development: a Chemical Perspective- Beekeeping Webinar

    Brood Jim Tew, Alabama Cooperative Extension Service June 17:  Social Insects: an Overview Joe ...

  8. Effect of Tank-mix Pesticide Combinations on Bees- Beekeeping Webinar

    Brood Jim Tew, Alabama Cooperative Extension Service June 17:  Social Insects: an Overview Joe ...

  9. Social Insects: an Overview- Beekeeping Webinar

    Brood Jim Tew, Alabama Cooperative Extension Service June 17:  Social Insects: an Overview Joe ...

  10. American Foul Brood- Beekeeping Webinar

    Brood Jim Tew, Alabama Cooperative Extension Service June 17:  Social Insects: an Overview Joe ...
