CFAES Give Today
News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Local Foods At the Toledo Farmers' Market

    Join OSU Extension, Lucas County and the Northwest Ohio Food Council to celebrate the kick-off for ...

  2. Ohio Achievement Report Form Workshop ...

  3. Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist (OCVN) Informational Meeting

    informational meetings will be held at the OSU at TBG office off of Elmer Drive, Toledo, Ohio 43615.  Directions ...

  4. American Evaluation Association 2018 Annual Conference

    interest groups (TIG) of which Extension Education Evaluation (EEE-TIG) is one. We have a fairly active ... group of Extension professionals from across the country who attend and present every year. Call for ... select “Extension Education Evaluation” as the “reviewing TIG.” There are a variety of options in ...

  5. Computer Hardware and Software Standards for OSU Extension

    ensure the best possible use of Extension funding, the OSU Extension Administrative Cabinet adopted a new ...

  6. Camp Counselors Needed: 15 & Up

    Camp Palmer ...

  7. Butler County 4-H Flower Sale

    NEW FOR 2020!  Come out and support the Butler County 4-H program by visiting Stockslager’s Garden Center. Stockslager’s Garden Center will donate 20% of your purchases made during the month of May to the Butler County 4-H program. This donation will supp ...

  8. Pesticide In-Service for ANR Educators

    This inservice is intended for all Extension educators, program coordinator, program assistants, ...

  9. Food Safety Modernization Act Changes the Way Fruits/Vegetables are Handled

    it will affect them as growers. The meeting was sponsored by Ohio Farm Bureau and OSU Extension ... farmers through a series of meetings to be held in each county. OSU Extension will continue to offer ... educational programming about the new law as more details become available. OSU Extension attorney Peggy Hall ...

  10. Spotted Wing Drosophila Workshop

    be held at OSU Extension, Mahoning County. This relatively new pest in Ohio has caused significant ...
