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Pesticide Recertification and Fertilzer Training
March 14, 2016 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM OSU Extension Greene County 100 Fairground Rd., Xenia, OH 45385 ... HAVE a pesticide license) Contact: Brian Kleinke, Greene Co. OSU Extension, 937-372-9971, ext. 114 ...
Dining with Diabetes Fall 2017
Brenda Sandman-Stover 937-372-9971, ext. 116 Download the registration form ...
The Ag Law Harvest
Blog Subscriptions ...
Soil Testing Night
Management Practices, Amanda Bennett, OSU Extension Educator 5:30 p.m.- Why Soil Testing is Important, Amanda ... Bennett, OSU Extension Educator 6:00 p.m.- Why Water Testing is Important, Linda Raterman, Miami Soil and ...
Master Gardener Volunteer Intern Training
Communiqué December 20, 2012
administration and director, OSU Extension I think we all have many questions about the potential impact of ... and I’ve added a few items related specifically to OSU Extension where applicable. If Congress fails ... for managing their county office(s) will be increased, effective January 1, 2013. The OSU Extension ...
USDA Summer Food Service Program (SFSP)
The USDA Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) was established to fill the gap when children lose access to meals when schools are closed. Most often this occurs during summer vacation. However, during school closures related to the pandemic, meals are also ...
The Paycheck Protection Program: keeping up with the changes
Blog Subscriptions ...
Spring- Dining with Diabetes
(Greene County Extension Office) 100 Fairground Road, Xenia, Ohio 45385 Click here to download the flyer! ...
What do Participants Learn?
Participants learn to select fruits and vegetables, whole grain, and low-fat dairy products for a healthy diet; to use limited resources to plan, purchase and prepare food for the family; to be physically active every day; and to store and handle food so ...