CFAES Give Today
News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Swine Move-In

    6:00 a.m.        Gates Open 10:30 a.m.     Aisle One Hogs In Place 12:30 p.m.     Aisle Two Hogs In Place 1:30 p.m.        Aisle Three Hogs In Place 2:30 p.m.        Aisle Four Hogs In Place 3:30 p.m.        Aisle Five Hogs In Place 4:30 p.m.        Aisle ...

  2. Master Clothing Educators

    requirements: Become a volunteer in your county Extension Professional in charge of clothing and textile ...

  3. Fair Species Meetings- Goats (5:30 pm), Beef (6:30 pm), Rabbits (7:30 pm)

    It is expected at least one representative from each junior fair exhibitor family will be present at their species' meeting. Wristbands and show numbers will be distribed this evening as well. ...

  4. Fair Species Meetings- Sheep (5:30 pm), Horse (6:30 pm), Fair Board (7:30 pm)

    It is expected at least one representative from each junior fair exhibitor family will be present at their species' meeting. Wristbands and show numbers will be distribed this evening as well. ...

  5. Fair Species Meetings- Dairy (5:30), Dairy Beef (6:30), Dogs (7:30)

    It is expected at least one representative from each junior fair exhibitor family will be present at their species' meeting. Wristbands and show numbers will be distribed this evening as well. ...

  6. Fair Species Meetings- Poultry (5:30 pm), Hogs (6:30 pm)

    It is expected at least one representative from each junior fair exhibitor family will be present at their species' meeting. Wristbands and show numbers will be distribed this evening as well. ...

  7. Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training

    Free – RSVP at 3 Hour Fertilizer Training for those with or without an ...

  8. Skillathon Results

    The 2020 Ohio 4-H SKillathon results are in! Find them at ...

  9. Getting to Know Greg Davis


  10. 4-H Fall Fest- Cancelled

