CFAES Give Today
News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Dr. Heldman meeting

    245 Friday, April 22, 2022- 10:00am to 2:00pm ...

  2. FABE Banquet 2022

    2022 FABE Student Scholarship and Awards Banquet Program Welcome  LaShanda Coleman Keynote Kaley Orr Dinner Department Updates Dr. Scott Shearer IPAG Awards  Dr. Scott Shearer Graduate Student Awards FABE Graduate Students FABE Outstanding Seniors Chip Tu ...

  3. Red Cross Health and Equity Project Block Party: Back to School

    SNAP-Ed and several other community partners are hosting 3 block parties. Join them for a day full of activities, education, and possibly some freebies. EVENT DATES May 14, 2022, 10AM- 3PM: Franklinton & Dodge Park Community Center- Sound the Alarm Ju ...

  4. Red Cross Health and Equity Project Block Party: Sound the Alarm

    SNAP-Ed and several other community partners are hosting 3 block parties. Join them for a day full of activities, education, and possibly some freebies. EVENT DATES May 14, 2022, 10AM- 3PM: Franklinton & Dodge Park Community Center- Sound the Alarm Ju ...

  5. Red Cross Health and Equity Project Block Party: Summer Safety

    SNAP-Ed and several other community partners are hosting 3 block parties. Join them for a day full of activities, education, and possibly some freebies. EVENT DATES May 14, 2022, 10AM- 3PM: Franklinton & Dodge Park Community Center- Sound the Alarm Ju ...

  6. Smart Eating for Healthy Aging

    phone at 614-292-7775 or by email at with questions. ... Join Jenny Lobb, Registered Dietitian and Extension Educator, to learn how nutrition needs change ...

  7. Cloverbud Camp

    Cloverbud Camp is a day camp for current county Cloverbud members only. Cost TBD. Please visit our Camping Programs Page for more information. ...

  8. Office Closed: Thanksgiving Break


  9. Office Closed: Veterans Day


  10. Office Closed: Labor Day

