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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Check out our new Farmland Owner's Guide to Solar Leasing

    Large scale solar development is on the rise and so is solar leasing.  With support from USDA and the National Agricultural Law Center, we've written a guide to help farmland owners decide if leasing farmland for solar energy is a good decision for t ...

  2. What is the best way to clean hands and hard surfaces?

    Hands: Use soap and warm water and scrub for a full 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, you can use hand sanitizer made with 70% strength isopropyl alcohol. You can make your own hand sanitizer by mixing 2/3 cup of 70% isopropyl alcohol with ...

  3. Thanksgiving

    Ohio State University and OSU Extension offices are closed Thursday and Friday in observance of ...

  4. Power go out? Here's what to do with food

    If this is your current situation: " My power just went out, how long will my food be safe? " please read on... Quick rules of thumb: 1. Do NOT open your refrigerator or freezer. It will serve as an insulated cooler if you do not open it. Refrig ...

  5. Healthy Food for Less than $2 per Meal

    Americans have been asked to stay home from work, school, and other gathering places for an indefinite period during the current pandemic. Many have stocked up on items they want to have on hand. One photographer documented shoppers’ selections over the p ...

  6. Thanksgiving Holiday

    The Ohio State University and all OSU Extension offices closed. ...

  7. Thanksgiving Holiday

    The Ohio State University and all OSU Extension offices closed. ...

  8. Thanksgiving Holiday

    The Ohio State University and all OSU Extension offices closed. ...

  9. Celebrate Your Plate

    Looking for recipes for low-cost, tasty meals that everyone in your family will enjoy? Celebrate Your Plate helps you budget for, plan, and create healthy, tasty meals. You’ll find recipes, shopping tips, cooking tips, and even tips on growing your own fo ...

  10. Annual Chadwick Arboretum Plant Sale

    auction items, is available at The auction, featuring unusual trees, shrubs and ... information, including parking, visit The event will be held rain or shine. ...
