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Hailey Baker
202 Wednesday, December 15, 2021- 12:00pm to 2:00pm ...
Local Foods Farm Tour: Schultz Valley Farms
contacting Kelley at OSU Extension (740-652-7263). For more on the entire Local Foods Farm Tour series, click ... it's owners Josh and Lynne Schultz and sponsored by Ohio State University Extension in Fairfield ... Valley Farms by visiting their website: ...
Entomology Department Virtual Tour
A narrated virtual tour of the OSU Department of Entomology, featuring faculty, staff, and ...
Extension Annual Conference Meeting Buckeyes consider the environment before printing. Friday, July 29, 2016- 12:00pm ... Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, OH 43210 614-292-0618 Office ... 219 Jared Morrison Event Planner CFAES Staff Advisory Council, OSUE Administration Representative ...
Columbus Bug Zoo & Insectary Featured Arthropod
Contributed by Insectary and Outreach Program Director, Jeni Ruisch Tliltocatl vagans, formerly known as Brachypelma vagans, commonly known as Mexican Red Rump Habitat/Range: Shrublands in the Yucatan Peninsula. These spiders are the most tropical in th ...
Columbus Bug Zoo and Insectary
Contributed by Insectary and Outreach Program Director, Jeni Ruisch This has been a year of change for the insectary at the Columbus campus of Ohio State. The lab has been in full-swing modernization mode, clearing out the old and making way for the new. ...
United Titanium Bug Zoo
Contributed by UTBZ Program Manager, Jeni Filbrun Entomology welcomed benefactors from United Titanium Inc. (UTI), on Aug. 31, 2021, for the official ribbon cutting of the United Titanium Bug Zoo (UTBZ) and an up-close-and-personal visit with several of t ...
Entomology Graduate Student Association
Contributed by Out-going EGSA President, Adrian Pekarcik A media officer position was officially created with Kendall King as the first officer for the Entomology Graduate Student Association (EGSA). Kendall will be responsible for running and maintaining ...
Courses Taught by Entomology Faculty
Luis Canas ENTMLGY 5610 Greenhouse Plant Health and Pest Management, 3 units (12 students) ENTMLGY 7999 Research in Entomology, MS, 1–16 units (3 students) ENTMLGY 8998 Research in Entomology, PhD Pre-Candidacy, 1–16 units (3 students) Mary Gardiner ENTML ...
United Titanium Bug Zoo Featured Arthropod
Contributed by UTBZ Program Manager, Jeni Filbrun The Ant, family Formicidae, order Hymenoptera Who rules the world? Ants of course! At the United Titanium Bug Zoo we have ant colonies. If you have a keen eye, you can spot the queen. As social insects, a ...