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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. The Dark Side of Leadership: How to Avoid Being a Toxic Leader

    We have all seen examples of toxic leaders, either in the media or in our personal lives. Together, let’s dig deeper and pinpoint those characteristics to further define toxic leadership. Then, we can ask ourselves how do we avoid becoming one? How may ou ...

  2. Team Dynamics

    “Successful teamwork is not about mastering subtle, sophisticated theories, but rather about embracing common sense with uncommon levels of discipline and persistence. Ironically, teams succeed because they are exceedingly human. By acknowledging the impe ...

  3. Communicating to be Understood

    How we communicate with each other, whether it is a co-worker or spouse, can make or break a relationship. In this workshop we will explore how people communicate differently and how you can use your strengths to build relationships with your team and inc ...

  4. Give ‘em the Pickle

    We’re all in the same business, the people business.  It’s not what we make or sell that’s critical; it’s how we take care of the people who buy it.  Our job is to make customers (internal and external) happy. What’s the best way to do that?  By giving ou ...

  5. Managing Using Leadership Styles

    “Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.”-Peter Drucker Are you a leader, manager, or both? How do you balance these different styles and skills? To be successful in either, or a mixture, of these roles, you must be able to ...

  6. Leadership Institute: Effective Coaching and Emotional Intelligence

    Over the past decade a growing body of literature has documented the importance of social and emotional effectiveness as well as effective coaching (how we take good people and make them the best they can be) and feedback skills.  As leaders face times of ...

  7. Emotional Vampires in the Workplace

    Emotional vampires tend to drain the energy of everyone they encounter. These “vampires” tend to suck out your optimism, and enthusiasm rather than your blood. Their toxic behaviors can range from subtle comments, to full blown drama. These vampires, it c ...

  8. Personal Branding

    In today's world we are continually representing ourselves in digital format.  Have you ever stopped to take a look at how you come across to those around you?  Are you consistent across platforms? Hootsuite reports that there are 3.48 billion people ...

  9. Communication and Conflict Management

    Conflict is a part of our daily lives at work or at home. How we manage conflict has a direct impact on how fulfilled we feel about our work, the quality of work, and the quality of work from our respective teams or units. Effectively dealing with and usi ...

  10. Dynamic Teams online ... hours. If you have questions, contact the OSU Leadership Center at 614-292-3114 or e-mail Beth Flynn @  ...
