CFAES Give Today
News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. MGV Work Day- Bull's Run

    All work days are scheduled from 9:30 AM- 1:00 PM.  We are flexible on start/end times for individuals who have conflicts or are unable to work a full session. To register for this project, please click  here. ...

  2. MGV Work Day- Bull's Run

    All work days are scheduled from 9:30 AM- 1:00 PM.  We are flexible on start/end times for individuals who have conflicts or are unable to work a full session. To register for this project, please click  here. ...

  3. Fertilizer REcertification

    This will be the second, and final opportunity this year in Fairfield County to acquire Fertilizer REcertification. ...

  4. MGV Work Day- Bull's Run

    All work days are scheduled from 9:30 AM- 1:00 PM.  We are flexible on start/end times for individuals who have conflicts or are unable to work a full session. > Spring > March 19 > April 2 > April 16 > April 30 > May 14 > > Fall & ...

  5. MGV Work Day- Pyramid Hill Walled Garden

    Regular workdays are the 2 nd  Wednesday of the month, April thru October, from 9:00 to 11:00am. MGs bring their own gardening tools. The Walled Garden is in the North Woods section of Pyramid Hill near sculpture #38, Adam’s First Breath. To register for ...

  6. MGV Work Day- Pyramid Hill Walled Garden

    Regular workdays are the 2 nd  Wednesday of the month, April thru October, from 9:00 to 11:00am. MGs bring their own gardening tools. The Walled Garden is in the North Woods section of Pyramid Hill near sculpture #38, Adam’s First Breath. To register for ...

  7. MGV Work Day- Pyramid Hill Walled Garden

    Regular workdays are the 2 nd  Wednesday of the month, April thru October, from 9:00 to 11:00am. MGs bring their own gardening tools. The Walled Garden is in the North Woods section of Pyramid Hill near sculpture #38, Adam’s First Breath. To register for ...

  8. MGV Work Day- Pyramid Hill Walled Garden

    Regular workdays are the 2 nd  Wednesday of the month, April thru October, from 9:00 to 11:00am. MGs bring their own gardening tools. The Walled Garden is in the North Woods section of Pyramid Hill near sculpture #38, Adam’s First Breath. To register for ...

  9. MGV Work Day- Pyramid Hill Walled Garden

    Regular workdays are the 2 nd  Wednesday of the month, April thru October, from 9:00 to 11:00am. MGs bring their own gardening tools. The Walled Garden is in the North Woods section of Pyramid Hill near sculpture #38, Adam’s First Breath. To register for ...

  10. MGV Work Day- Pyramid Hill Walled Garden

    Regular workdays are the 2 nd  Wednesday of the month, April thru October, from 9:00 to 11:00am. MGs bring their own gardening tools. The Walled Garden is in the North Woods section of Pyramid Hill near sculpture #38, Adam’s First Breath. To register for ...
