CFAES Give Today
News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. ExploreAg Weeklong Camp

    ExploreAg introduces students to the various careers in science, engineering and technology in agricultural industries. ExploreAg is open to students from varied backgrounds, with diverse skills and interests, and provides them with an opportunity to expl ...

  2. Intersectionality of Change Session 1: Understanding the Intersectionality of Change

    Please join The Sports and Society Initiative for "Intersectionality of Change," a four-part series looking at how sports can empower people to use their voices and become change agents for social justice. We encourage the community to come toge ...

  3. Intersectionality of Change Session 4: Reporting Out, Moving Forward Webinar

    Please join The Sports and Society Initiative for "Intersectionality of Change," a four-part series looking at how sports can empower people to use their voices and become change agents for social justice. We encourage the community to come toge ...

  4. Intersectionality of Change Session 3: Developing Narrative for Change Webinar

    Please join The Sports and Society Initiative for "Intersectionality of Change," a four-part series looking at how sports can empower people to use their voices and become change agents for social justice. We encourage the community to come toge ...

  5. Intersectionality of Change Session 2: Taking Action, Making Change Webinar

    Please join The Sports and Society Initiative for "Intersectionality of Change," a four-part series looking at how sports can empower people to use their voices and become change agents for social justice. We encourage the community to come toge ...

  6. Open for Businesses: Endeavor Center has services to help start or grow a business

    Development Center, Manufacturing Extension Partnership, Export Assistance Network, and the CFAES Center for ... frequently by OSU programs, our partners, and outside organizations. There are currently 16 partner companies ...

  7. Diagnostic Workshop for Master Gardener Volunteers

    Credit hours are available to MGV's. Make $30 check payable to OSU Extension and mail to: OSU ... Extension Franklin County 2105 S. Hamilton Rd, Suite 100, Columbus, OH 43232 ...

  8. Composting- Virtual Class  Password: 766367 COST: Free CONTACT: Franklinton Farms, Chloe,, ...

  9. Western Ohio Precision Ag Field Day by July 2, 2018. ... Conversation and Demo 11:15 AM- Additional demonstrations 12:00 PM- Lunch – Speakers: Dr. Scott Shearer, OSU ...

  10. Community Development office opens Dec. 19

    The OSU Extension, Franklin County Community Development team will be open for business in their ...
