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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Examining Failed Legislation from the Last Legislative Session: A Two-Part Series

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  2. Why OSUE, OARDC

    4-H Scholarships ...

  3. Ohio State Food Science Student Receives $25,000 STEM Scholarship from Monsanto

    To encourage the pursuit of careers in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) and agriculture, Monsanto awarded scholarships totaling $250,000 to 10 students this fall through the Monsanto Graduate Student Scholarship program. The Monsanto G ...

  4. Ohio Legislature Passes Agritourism Legislation

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  5. OSU Move-In Day Fall 2014


  6. Lilburn receives national poultry research award

    USPOULTRY  and the USPOULTRY Foundation have recognized  Mike Lilburn  (pictured, left), professor in CFAES’s  Department of Animal Sciences, as the 2016 recipient of the annual Charles Beard Research Excellence Award. USPOULTRY is the U.S. Poultry & ...

  7. Leadership Center workshops: Customer Service; StrengthsFinder; Conflict Management; Personality Spectrum; How to Get Along

    Feb. 17: Give ’em the Pickle Customer Service We’re all in the same business — the people business. It’s not what we make or sell that’s critical; it’s how we take care of the people who buy it. Our job is to make customers (internal and external) happy. ...

  8. CFAES Student Elected National FFA Officer

    Sydney Snider, a CFAES Agricultural Communication major from Moscow, Ohio, was recently elected eastern region vice president for FFA. She’ll serve on the 2015-16 National FFA Officer team along with students from Arkansas, Tennessee, Iowa, Georgia and Ut ...

  9. OSU Extension Offers Shale Development Workshop for Landowners

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  10. OSU Alumni Awards

