CFAES Give Today
News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Cafe Carmen Updates

    Grubhub will be used this semester for Dining Services! Grubhub will only be used for pick-up. You must enter your phone number upon being asked so you can receive order notifications when complete. Grubhub will only ask this once upon your first time ord ...

  2. August 3- 9, 2020


  3. Digital Flagship iPad Distribution Information

    Digital Flagship iPad Distribution Information Device-eligible students at regional campuses will have their Digital Flagship iPad kits shipped to their home residence this year. Students are required to update their mailing addresses in Buckeye Link or t ...

  4. Ohio Achievement Report Form Workshop ...

  5. Local Foods Tour Series- Ochs Orchard

    contacting Kelley at OSU Extension (740-652-7263). ...

  6. DLS Helps to DIY

    Nina Solomon, Development of Living Skills Instructor, Ohio State University Extension, Butler County ...

  7. Manage Your Money

    with Shannon Carter, OSU Extension Educator offers interactive discussions and hands-on activities to ...

  8. July 27- Aug. 2, 2020


  9. Creating Inclusive Learning Spaces, Wherever and However They Occur

    COVID-19 has presented new challenges for many students while amplifying existing challenges for vulnerable populations. Additionally, the world has taken a stand on racial injustice and elevating diverse voices. This session explores the opportunity to c ...

  10. Food Safety Modernization Act Changes the Way Fruits/Vegetables are Handled

    it will affect them as growers. The meeting was sponsored by Ohio Farm Bureau and OSU Extension ... farmers through a series of meetings to be held in each county. OSU Extension will continue to offer ... educational programming about the new law as more details become available. OSU Extension attorney Peggy Hall ...
