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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Agricultural Nutrients and Water Quality: Recent Litigation in the United States

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  2. Early Childhood Education Training Opportunities

    Early Childhood Education Training Opportunites are available. For a listing of all trainings, please click here. All trainings will take place via zoom and are FREE!  ...

  3. Building Partnerships helps Communities offer Transportation Systems that Impact Rural Quality of Life

    Extension's partnership to target this issue  ...

  4. The Ag Law Harvest

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  5. Taking care of business: OSU at National Farm Business Conference

    OSU's Farm Office took a road trip to the National Farm Business Conference in Sheboygan, ...

  6. Dear White People: What is the Role of White People in Dismantling Whiteness in Education and Challenging Antiblackness?

    A conversation series interrogating Whiteness, Anti-Blackness and Racism in education. This session will feature Dr. Nolan Cabrera (University of Arizona), Dr. Subini Annamma (Stanford University(, and Dr. Chayla Haynes Davison (Texas A & M University ...

  7. Advancing Equity: Reproductive Health Series and Considerations for Women with Substance Use Disorders

    This series, offered by the College of Public Health, examines the intersection of the addiction and reproductive life courses to discuss and promote best practices for advancing equity for health outcomes and access to care among women with substance use ...

  8. COVID-19, Systemic Racism, and the Responses of Colleges and Universities: A Virtual Town Hall Discussion

    As college and university presidents look toward the fall, what have they learned from the COVID-19 crisis, how will their institutions evolve as a result, and what might that mean for the future of higher education in America? Please join the presidents ...

  9. "Applied" Program Development: upgrading programs and outreach through more hands-on technology and 21st century skillsets

    to applicants not having the required skillsets.[vi] Extension can be a solution to closing the 21st ... the 21st century, technology impacts, the OSU Digital Flagship Initiative, and a list of educator ... resources, read the complete blog article.  Meghan Thoreau is a County Extension Educator for Pickaway ...

  10. Cleveland Climate Action Plan Updated

    led a collaborative process to update its already existing plan. Scott Hardy, Extension educator, Ohio ...
