CFAES Give Today
News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Administrative Professionals Day – Thoughts from the Director

    Thank you to all of our administrative professionals for all of your hard work, tireless efforts, and enthusiastic support. You are key to our success! We appreciate you today and every day! ...

  2. How to Cancel a Miscellaneous Payment

    Open the Miscellaneous Payment from INBOX, click on the... 3 dots to the right of the magnifying glass- this should take you to Revise Miscellaneous Payment, again click on the... 3 dots to the right of the  magnifying glass- then you should now see Actio ...

  3. Background Check Refunds- Create Miscellaneous Payment

    4-H Background Check Refunds done with a “Create Misc Payment” JOB AID: BCI Background Check Reimbursements Payment type will be “refund” In the memo put “Ext Background Check Refund” Input payee information, one-time payment use RF-refund for the Handlin ...

  4. Update to Tuition Assistance Benefits

    At this time, the maximum credit hour limit for faculty and staff tuition assistance which will remain at 10. The timeline for additional tuition assistance benefit changes in 2021 has been updated. Enrollment requirements for faculty and staff tuition as ...

  5. Ornamental Corn

    explores and identifies new ornamental corn cultivar and variety releases and production practices for ... growing practices at the OSU South Centers research farm and on farm research conducted on cooperating ...

  6. Endeavor Center and Business Development Network Achievements

    including the Ohio Cooperative Development Center, Direct Marketing and OSU Extension programs to strengthen ... Center 2017 has been another successful year for the OSU Endeavor Center business incubator. The center ... awards.  Chris Smalley won the Innovation Award for his work with the OSU South Centers Aquaculture Boot ...

  7. Leading in the New Normal Virtual Conference – Dec. 1-2, 2020

    Although change may be the only constant in life, 2020 has done a lot to test our collective ability to navigate a new normal. ...

  8. Dr. Moh Joins South Centers

    Prior to coming to OSU, Dr. Moh was a Research Associate conducting research and teaching undergraduate ... instruments such as GC, GC-MS, LC, LC-MS, ICP-AES, ICP-MS, TOC/TON analyzer, FTIR, etc.  He has an extensive ...

  9. Non-Employee Reimbursements

    Non-employee reimbursements: We should avoid these as much as possible and use our own procurement methods to make purchases instead of our volunteers. Unsure to this point which panel we will use for these reimbursements. Purchasing ...

  10. Ohioline Update

    The Ohioline landing page has been reformatted in a small way that should make a big difference. ...
