CFAES Give Today
News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Business Office Update

    A number of issues have contributed to delayed payments to vendors from purchase order invoices primarily related to converted purchase orders from PeopleSoft into Workday. The university is actively resolving these issues by increasing capacity in Accoun ...

  2. Applied Research and Extension Outreach in Northeast China

    Impact on Soil health and Agroecosystem Services.”  Several of the OSU Extension Educators, scientists, ... actively involved in capacity building of the research, education, and Extension activities at the ... Islam and Ken Ford (Fayette County Extension Educator) from The Ohio State University; Drs. Ismail ...

  3. Addiction Innovation Initiative Program: Seed Grant Funding Opportunity

    This funding opportunity announcement requests applications for the Ohio State Addiction Innovation Initiative Program seed grants. ...

  4. Find Suppliers in Buckeye Buy

    Whether looking for Staples, Lowes or other contracted suppliers-including internal such as UniPrint or ComDoc- follow these steps: At HOME screen click on "Request Travel or Purchase"- (OR- in Search field type "Create Requisition" -t ...

  5. Duty Area H:

    Install rodent traps Apply fungicides Apply insecticides Release beneficial insects Apply frost protection ...

  6. New Fact Sheet Available to Assist Ohio Farmers’ Markets Accept SNAP Benefits If you have questions or would like additional information about accepting SNAP at your market you ... can contact Christie Welch, ...

  7. Important Workday Dates and Deadlines

    Please be aware of the following important dates and deadlines relating to Workday. ...

  8. Recommend That All OSUE Offices to Have a Travel Arranger

    It is important to keep the flow of fiscal documents moving forward, and one area we can improve on is to have at least one Travel Arranger in each office that CAN get in to the system to check on payments, to add missing documentation, etc.- not intendin ...

  9. Recruitment and Hiring Date Changes

    Ohio State is adjusting employee recruiting and hiring practices for November through January to implement Workday on time and create a smooth new employee experience during this time. ...

  10. New Chair of CFAES Staff Advisory Council

    I am excited to announce that Misty Harmon will be the new Chair of the CFAES Staff Advisory Council beginning Dec. 10, 2020. Congratulations Misty!   ...
