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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Scheduling Construction Projects

    CONSYSM 3451 Planning, scheduling and tracking of construction project elements including management of time, resources, cost and safety. Prereq: 2440 and 3450. Undergraduate 4.0 Autumn 2023 Spring 2024 In Person Columbus Construction Systems Management C ...

  2. Structures for Construction Mgrs I

    CONSYSM 3545 Principles of statics, material properties, structural analysis and design theory useful in understanding the design, and managing the construction, of steel and wood structures. Overview of structural loads on buildings and bridges, types of ...

  3. Structures for Construction Mgrs II

    CONSYSM 3546 A continuation of CSM 3545 to include steel, concrete and masonry structures and design methodologies, including foundation design and building systems integration of structural components. Further review of construction drawings, submittals ...

  4. Individual Studies

    CONSYSM 4193 Intermediate individual study of problems and topics not included in regular Construction Systems Management courses. Prereq: GPA 2.5 or above, and permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs or 6 completions. This course is ...

  5. Group Studies

    CONSYSM 4194 Intermediate group studies of selected topics in Construction Systems Management. Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 10 cr hrs or 4 completions. Undergraduate 1.0 Construction Systems Management Construction Systems ...

  6. Professional Development II

    CONSYSM 4605 Development and pursuing career plans; strategies and programs for employment in the construction industry, professional development, personal growth, and relationships. Prereq: 2305 (ConSysMt 305), 3451 (ConSysMt 541), and AgrComm 3130 (390) ...

  7. Construction Project Management

    CONSYSM 4641 The management of standard commercial/residential construction projects, including planning, scheduling, materials management, resource procurement, codes and standards, construction funding, personnel management and labor unions. Prereq: 345 ...

  8. Construction Control- Contracts and Documents

    CONSYSM 4642 Documents used in the construction industry will be discussed and applied; including types of contracts, bidding and negotiating, administration and quality control of construction contracts. Prereq: 3451. Undergraduate 3.0 Autumn 2023 Spring ...

  9. Heavy Construction Management

    CONSYSM 4660 Methods, materials, equipment, and planning of heavy construction projects. Economics of equipment acquisition and operation. Equipment selection, performance characteristics, and production rates. Prereq or concur: 3451. Undergraduate 3.0 Au ...

  10. Construction Management Capstone

    CONSYSM 4900 Skills in estimating, scheduling, blueprint reading, teamwork, oral written communication, management principles, and contracts/documents used to develop solutions to industry provided construction related problems. Prereq or concur: 3546, 46 ...
