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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Bringing Quality Beef to the Middle East with Ohio-Israeli Project

    results." The Negev Foundation ( is a Cleveland-based, non-profit organization ...

  2. 2016 Poinsettia and Holiday Plant Sales

    Join us for our annual poinsettia and holiday plant sale in two locations, Nov 30 – Dec 1 on the Columbus campus and Dec 2 – Dec 3 on the Wooster campus. Check out our huge selection of poinsettias, festive flowers and arrangements that you won't fin ...

  3. Turkey Buying Tips

    The turkey is the centerpiece of the Thanksgiving table, but the path to cooking and serving the perfect bird starts at the grocery store. Consider these five tips when buying your turkey. 1. Decide if you want fresh or frozen. There is no quality differe ...

  4. Plan Ahead

    Planning ahead is key to keeping yourself calm and collected during the Thanksgiving hustle and bustle, and to making sure food safety takes precedence. For example, consider these tips from Countdown to Thanksgiving on A few weeks before ...

  5. For the Most in Pasture Management, Measure Forage Dry Matter   Candace Pollock Rory Lewandowski False False True False False True False False False False False ... University Extension educator in agriculture and natural resources. "Using this type of information can ...

  6. Ashlee Balcerzak Undergraduate Researcher.

    Ashlee Balcerzak is majoring in environmental science at The Ohio State University. She is doing undergraduate research that could someday bring and end to harmful algal blooms. ...

  7. Still to Receive American Horticultural Society's Highest Honor June 10

    June 10. For more information, see the society's web site at Still and his ...

  8. High-tech Rain Garden Nets OARDC Innovator Award

    commercialization potential quite extensive,” Slack said. Potential revenue from the system, Slack noted, could be ...

  9. Secrest Arboretum Night Insect Walk is This Saturday (7/16)

    Extension,  which is the college’s statewide outreach arm.- 30- Kurt Knebusch Luis Cañas False False False ...

  10. Extension Administrative and Professional Committee fall meeting

