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Dairy Producers Should Consider ‘Precision’ Diets to Maximize Profits
tailor diets to maximize productivity and profitability, according to one Ohio State University Extension ... expert. “There are two things to manage: feed costs and milk prices,” said Extension Dairy Specialist ...
What Will It Be Today: Conflict, Compete, Collaborate?
There are many choices to be made in the workplace. The workplace can be a breeding ground for conflict due to different personality and communication styles. We can choose to ignore or accelerate conflict with others, or we can choose to allow conflict t ...
Meet Ashley Rector, Plant Pathology
Why Ohio Sea Grant
Why Bee Science Matters
State of the College 2017
Dynamic Teams
"Successful teamwork is not about mastering subtle, sophisticated theories, but rather about embracing common sense with uncommon levels of discipline and persistence. Ironically, teams succeed because they are exceedingly human. By acknowledging the ...
Managing Multiple Generation (online)
How are you managing the multi-generational workplace? The American workforce is much more diverse today than ever before in history, with the age range of employees spanning 60 years. Each generation has its own unique values and behavior which can somet ...
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NCFDD Webinar: Core Curriculum Skill: Strategies for Dealing with Stress, Rejection, and the Haters in Your Midst