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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Follow Label When Using Feed Additive on Show Pigs

    FDA-approved agent," said Gary Bowman, an Ohio State Extension veterinarian with the College of Veterinary ... Candace Pollock Gary Bowman, Steve Moeller False False False False False False False False False ...

  2. Course Creation Studio

    Course Creation Studios are offered to support Ohio State instructors and designers who want to develop, improve or rethink their online, hybrid or face-to-face course design through technology. These events are held in a Digital Union, with ODEE instruct ...

  3. Applied Active Learning Strategies for the Classroom

    This session will be held in an Active Learning Classroom where participants will engage in multiple activities to decide on an active learning strategy to implement in their course and develop a personalized plan for moving forward. ...

  4. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Apple or crabapple? (for the week of Oct. 28, 2001)

    263-3776, Kurt Knebusch Ken Cochran Twig10-28-01.pdf False False False False False False ...

  5. Fungus May Help Control Tick Populations

    Chamberlain at (330) 263-3779 or COLUMBUS, Ohio- A naturally occurring fungus used as ... product, and it is not toxic to mammals, birds or plants. Cradock, with the help of OSU acarologist Glen ... that he and other OSU researchers are studying additional methods of tick control, including ...

  6. OSU Expert: Warm Winter May Bring Early Insects, But Effect on Field Crops Depends More on Weather and Growers’ Planting Dates

    to plant this year, an Ohio State University Extension entomologist said.  Insects such as the bean ...

  7. Optimal Window for Planting Wheat Tightening

    to Ohio State University Extension wheat researcher Pierce Paul. “Our target is always to get the ... for planting the crop extends, and follow Extension recommendations. As of Oct. 3, the National ...

  8. OARDC Announces 2011 Recipients of Service, Achievement Awards

    Phillips, Research Operations; Wayne Lewis, OSU South Centers. 50 Years of Service: Herbert Ockerman, Animal ... Shelley Whitworth, Director’s Office. 20 Years of Service: Marsha Amlin, OSU South Centers; Barbara ... Pathology; Jacob Rapp, OSU South Centers; Duane Rigsby, OSU South Centers; Jeffrey Roberts, OSU South ...

  9. OSU Department of Entomology Returns to College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

    will join CFAES entomologists who carry an appointment with OSU Extension, the Ohio Agricultural ...

  10. New OSU Book Helps Farmers Make Switch to Organic

    State, Research, Education, and Extension Service. “Acknowledging the realities of organic farming ... OSU/OFFER — write to OFFER Program, 201 Thorne Hall, OSU/OARDC, 1680 Madison Ave., Wooster, OH 44691. ...
