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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. 2016-22


  2. Record-High Corn Yields Expected for Ohio

    Thomison, an Ohio State University Extension agronomist. “Soils were dry at planting, we had a mild ...

  3. Lower Corn Production Forecast Likely to Fuel Increased Calls for Ethanol Waiver

    University Extension economist Matt Roberts said.  In its monthly crops report, USDA last week cut its ...

  4. 2016-21


  5. Heat Unit Accumulation and Corn Emergence

    There have been reports of slow corn emergence in some areas and that corn planted more than three weeks ago is not yet emerging. Is this cause for concern? Not necessarily. Corn requires about 100 growing degrees days (GDDs) to emerge (emergence requirem ...

  6. Planting and Pollinators

    Beekeepers in Ohio benefitted from the generally mild winter of 2015-2016.  In Columbus we lost less than 20% of our colonies over winter.  Spring is the only reliably good season for bees in Ohio.  Colonies that survived the winter and new colonies broug ...

  7. Precision Ag Day: Planter Technology-Champaign County

    If you would like to sponsor the event or have an exhibitor space, details can be found here: Sponsorship Letter See the linked flyer for full program details. Precision Agriculture ...

  8. Insect Pests we’re Watching Now

    Spider mites With continued dry weather, spider mites are one of the main pests to remain vigilant about in field crops.  They will often show up in field borders first as they move in from other habitats, for example if nearby ditches have been mowed.  S ...

  9. 2016-20


  10. Follow Guidelines When Planting Soybeans

    University Extension plant pathologist.   "Are you going back into the same fields that had soybeans ...
