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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Getting Your Corn Crop Off to a Good Start in 2014

    for optimal yields. Plant population studies conducted by OSU from 2006 to the present suggest that on ...

  2. Back to the Future with Stink Bugs?

    Some of you may remember the 2012 growing season—very dry most of the year but, in some areas, late season rains gave a second life into the soybean crop that was reaching pod fill stage.  Unfortunately, this boost also likely attracted stink bugs into so ...

  3. Potential for Nitrate Problems in Drought Stressed Corn

    Have very dry soil conditions increased the potential for toxic levels of nitrates in corn harvested for silage? Nitrates absorbed from the soil by plant roots are normally incorporated into plant tissue as amino acids, proteins and other nitrogenous comp ...

  4. 2016-25


  5. Ohio Soybeans On Track For Record Yields

    1997. "Yields have been fantastic," said Jim Beuerlein, an Ohio State University Extension ...

  6. Warm Winter Weather Could be Trouble for Wheat

    Extension appointment. "But once it starts warming up and dormancy is broken, it becomes an issue ...

  7. Scout Soybean Fields for Water-Borne Diseases

    University Extension plant pathologist, said that saturated soils and ponding conditions make it ideal for ...

  8. Marestail Control in Wheat Stubble- Part 2: Cover Crop Considerations

    Following last week’s article about marestail control in wheat stubble, a number of people asked about options where cover crops are going to be planted later this summer.  The options can be fewer for this situation, especially for small-seeded broadleaf ...

  9. Data Retention and Availability –The Big Data Confusion: Part 11

    Data retention policies represent a set of guidelines that outlines data will be archived, how long it will be kept, how it will be removed, and either destructed or returned to the farmer.  The American Farm Bureau Federation’s “ Privacy and Security Pri ...

  10. Soybean Planting Date, Seeding Rate, and Row Width

    Planting date.  Planting date (both too early and too late) can reduce soybean yield potential.  In 2013 and 2014, we conducted a planting date trial at the Western Agricultural Research Station near South Charleston, Ohio.  In both years, soybean yield d ...
