CFAES Give Today
News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Effects of shelterwood harvest and prescribed fire in upland Appalachian hardwood forests on bat activity

    Silvis, Alexander, Stanley D. Gehrt and Roger A. Williams. 2016. Effects of shelterwood harvest and prescribed fire in upland Appalachian hardwood forests on bat activity. Forest Ecology and Management 360:205-212. Stanley D. Gehrt Roger A. Williams Journ ...

  2. The potential of controlled traffic farming to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and enhance carbon sequestration in arable land: A critical review

    Antille, D.L., W.C.T. Chamen, J.N. Tullberg and R. Lal. 2015.  The potential of controlled traffic farming to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and enhance carbon sequestration in arable land: A critical review. Transactions of the American Society of Agr ...

  3. Can fish see the bait on the hook? New grant helps to answer this question.

    School of Environment and Natural Resources assistant professor  Suzanne Gray  was recently awarded funding through  Ohio Sea Grant’s research grants program  to investigate the ecological and economic impact of algal and sedimentary turbidity on the recr ...

  4. Tipping Points and Regime Shifts: Fact, Fiction, or Fantasy?

    EEOB welcomes Aaron Ellison, Senior Research Fellow, Harvard University, Harvard Forest. He will present Tipping Points and Regime Shifts: Fct, Fiction, or Fantasy? This presentation will be held in 001 Jennings Hall. ...

  5. Elevator Speech Workshop

    Learn how to introduce yourself at networking events! ...

  6. CFAES We're The Ones

    Hear from students on what makes attending the School of Environment and Natural Resources in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences so exciting and rewarding! ...

  7. Faculty member co-edits new book on Percid Fishes

    Konrad Dabrowski, a professor in the School of Environment and Natural Resources and expert on fisheries and aquaculture, is a co-editor with Patrick Kestemont, University of Namur, Belgium and Robert C. Summerfelt, Iowa State University of Science and Te ...

  8. Faculty member reflects on Cardinal's Ohio State Visit

    A  new blog post  published by  Assistant Professor Greg Hitzhusen  reflects on  Cardinal Turkson's message to The Ohio State University  on November 2, 2015.  ...

  9. Lake States Fire Science Consortium's Burning Issues Symposium

    Following up on the success of the  2015 Burning Issues Symposium, we're returning to Fort Custer National Training Center (FCTC) in southwest Michigan on February 2-3, 2016. Many partners have worked to convene an event designed to help tear down th ...

  10. Extension Office Closed

