WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE, Ohio – The world's largest soybean farmer will be a featured speaker at Ohio State University Extension's Southwest Ohio Corn Growers and Fayette County Agronomy Field Day on Aug. 12.
Blairo Maggi, governor of Mato Grosso, Brazil and considered the world's largest soybean farmer, is among the lineup of speakers who will offer information on agronomic crops production and management.
The field day will be held from 9:30 a.m. until 3 p.m. at the Fayette County Demonstration Farm in Washington Court House, Ohio. Admission is free.
John Carter, a Texas rancher and soybean farmer, is another featured speaker at the event. Other speakers include:
• Robert Mullen, an OSU Extension soil fertility specialist -- Starter fertilizers and pop-ups.
• Keith Deidrick, OSU soil scientist -- Fertilizer to food/soil nutrient cycle.
• Missy Bauer, The Andersons -- Corn growth and root development.
• Daniel Call, Seed Consultants, Inc. -- How to read a seed label.
• PeterThomison, OSU Extension agronomist -- Agronomics to grow 300-bushel corn.
• Chad Lee, University of Kentucky grain crops specialist -- Top 10 tips for high-yielding corn.
• Dwayne Siekman, Ohio Corn Growers Association executive director -- OCGA update.
The field day will also include corn hybrid demonstration plots, a trade show and health screenings.
For more information, contact John Yost at (740) 335-1150 or log on to http://fayette.osu.edu/agriculture-natural-resources/southwest-ohio-corn-growers-association/swocga.