COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Nutrition experts with Ohio State University Extension are dishing up their expertise to help consumers put the Dietary Guidelines for Americans into practice by offering a series of free webinars.
The webinars are offered on the third Monday of the month through November at 10 a.m.
On July 18, the webinar focuses on vegetables with "More Red. More Orange. More Dark Green." Hosting the program will be Julie Kennel, nutrition program specialist for OSU Extension and director of the dietetic internship program in Ohio State University's Department of Human Nutrition, and Polly Loy, OSU Extension educator in family and consumer sciences.
"We designed the webinars for any consumer who wants to learn easy, affordable ways to bring the concepts of the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans to their life," Kennel said.
Anyone can join the webinar by going online to To sign in, the event number is 663 659 125 and the event password is Dietary.
Each webinar lasts about a half-hour and includes a cooking demonstration. The web address changes with each webinar; for information, see OSU Extension's Community Nutrition website at